In 1990 Peter graduated college with a major in Park and Recreation management and a minor in Agriculture education. He actually did his student teaching in the Urban Forestry program right here in Walpole. He was introduced to challenge courses because of his skills working at height in trees. What enticed him most about the world of challenge courses was its focus on experiential learning. It was rewarding to help people learn things about themselves, and the experience would make him a better educator. In 1996 Peter built a Challenge Course for one of Everwood’s founders at his residence camp in New Hampshire. In 1998 I was hired to run his Challenge Course in the summer and to be the property manager for the camp in the off season. When Everwood was born Peter was part of the team that was tasked with revitalizing the property, tapping into his skills in both agriculature, and in parks and recreation. Peter now enjoys his role as the facility manager for two other sister camps of Everwood Day Camp, and spending time with his wife and cats.