The Sharon Education Foundation and Everwood Day Camp present:
Pandemic Parenting: Adolescence and Teen-Life with Michael Thompson, Phd
The Covid-19 pandemic has hit families hard. For eleven months families have been forced to think about death and safety. Parents have had to restrict their teens’ movements and social lives. Adolescents have lost months of regular school as well as sports and extracurricular activities. The
result has been diminished engagement and academic motivation. Most importantly, the public health constraints have meant that teens have not
had the autonomy and independence that they crave. This has led to rule-breaking and parent-child conflict. Many parents are worried that their children will emerge traumatized from this long disruption in their lives. In this talk, Dr. Thompson will address the issues and fears affecting families and will offer psychologically sound suggestions for steadying their children and themselves in this difficult time.
Free Online Event ~ Open to the Public
When: March 1st, 2021 7:00-8:30pm
Where: ZOOM
Meeting ID: 914 9287 8407
Passcode: Thompson