In order to make tipping counselors a more secure process for those who would like this route, you will be able to directly tip staff using Grazzee- Please see directions below:
Grazzee Instructions for Mobile App:
1. Download the Grazzee app through the app store on your iOS or Android device.
2. You will be prompted to enter your phone number. Click Next.
3. Once submitted enter the verification code sent to your device. Click Next.
4. Fill out your profile so staff knows who has sent them a gratuity.
5. Click on Give/Get and then select GIVE to TIP a staff member.
6. Select Camp and search for Everwood Day Camp
7. You may search for individual staff members or they are listed under each division.
8. Enter tip amount and a note if you wish. You may tip as many people on one transaction as you’d like. Select Continue and you will see all gratuities listed.
9. Click PAY to view your Gift Summary and select your payment method. You can pay by credit card, apple pay or with your bank account. Follow prompts.
10. Once submitted, the staff member is immediately notified!
*** If you have any trouble using the app, please contact [email protected]
Grazzee Website Instructions:
1. Go to and “sign up” at top right corner of website
2. Create a profile. Click on Login and sign in.
3. Go to “Give to new entity” on the left hand side; click on CAMP and then choose Everwood Day Camp.
4. Go to Give to New Entity- on the left hand side; Click on CAMP and then choose Everwood Day Camp.
5. Follow steps 7-11 from instructions above