Middle Campus

A Day in the Life at Everwood Middle Camp

3rd & 4th Grade

Campers experience the best of both upper and lower camp activities and facilities, plus elective choices. Groups typically consist of approximately 16 campers with 2-3 counselors that are dedicated to the group all day and all summer long. Groups are mixed gender or gender specific (based on parent preference) and based on the grade children are entering in September. Counselors that work with this age group all have a specific interest in working with this age group, are phenomenal role models and continue to nurture our growing Sophomores as much as they may require. Counselors are highly trained and closely supported by certified and experienced teachers.

Our middle campers at Everwood experience a wide range of activities across both our main campus and upper campus property, allowing for a wide variety of activities and adventures. In addition, our 3rd grade Sophomores have one elective period per week, and our 4th grade sophomores have 2.  These elective periods are those in which campers can choose what activity they would like to focus on. Elective choices are just as varied as our general activities and all programs are led by specialists with specific experience in the area of instruction and support by our general counselors. This includes activities such as fishing, canoeing, sports, ropes course, nature and exploration, Dance, yoga, arts and crafts and so much more.

  • Arrival

    Morning Assembly

    As campers arrive to camp they are greeted by camp staff and guided to their designated group meeting spot in our assembly area. Attendance is taken, lunches collected, and counselors set the stage for the day. Camp Directors lead the morning assembly with special announcements, traditions, and flag raising. Campers then walk with their counselors to put their bags in their cabins and head to their first period activity!

  • 1st Period

    Creative and Performing Arts

    Our middle campers have the opportunity to explore both performing and creative arts through a wide variety of arts activities. From drama, dance and gymnastics to traditional camp crafts, the opportunities for creative development are infused with nature and exploration of our incredible camp facility. Arts activities are lead by specialists with specific training and expertise in their area and supported by our camp counselors.

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  • 2nd Period

    Instructional Swim

    Our 3rd grade middle campers  get to participate in an American Red Cross based swim lesson in our pools daily. Our 4th grade middle campers can choose swim instruction as an elective.  All campers are tested and placed in an appropriate swim group based on their skill level. Our lessons are taught  certified lifeguards and supported by our camp counselors, ensuring growth and development in swim skills.

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  • 3rd Period

    Group Activity – “Sports”

    Our middle campers engage in a variety of sports activities from soccer, to basketball, street hockey and beyond. Our equipment and instructions are tailored for each age group. Experienced coaches and specialists lead these activity periods with support from our camp counselors to create an inclusive activity period for all campers involved.

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  • 4th Period


    Our middle campers get the opportunity to pick an elective from the wide range of activities that we offer. During this period, campers will participate in the same activity for the entire week. This gives them the chance to pursue a specific hobby that they enjoy.

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5th Period

Lunch Time

Campers bring a peanut and tree-nut free* lunch Monday-Friday. We provide two peanut and tree-nut free snacks each day. We are an allergy-friendly facility.

Allergy Friendly
  • 6th Period

    Free Swim

    All of our middle campers have a period each day where they can choose if they want to swim or play on the beach with friends, or both! It’s a great open free play time! Our lifeguards closely supervise swim areas while our camp counselors play with our campers in the water ensuring low adult to camper ratios and close monitoring of all swimmers. Campers will stay in shallow water, unless they have demonstrated a specific set of skills proving they can swim in deeper swim areas (American Red Cross Level 3).

    Learn More about Swim
  • 7th Period

    Group Activity “Adventure / Nature”

    Our middle campers get to experience some of our amazing adventure activities include canoeing, fishing, ropes course, and exploring the woods and water around us. In addition, our middle campers get the opportunity to jump and bounce on our inflatable water obstacle course known as “The Wibit” each week!

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  • 8th Period

    Special Event

    Every Day at Everwood brings with it new adventures, including a host of unique, wacky, exclusive daily special events that only happen on the Everwood campus. For our lower campers, special event activities include messy art, Jell-o Tug-of-war, Capture the Flag and more. All special event activities are adapted for full participation of this age group.

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Wind Down

Afternoon Assembly

Lower Campers gather with their group at the end of each day for some reflection and fun camp traditions including performances, singing camp songs, and playing games. Counselors spend time talking with the group about their social and emotional accomplishments related to our Everwood 5 Star Points. A few campers in each group are given our “5 Star Camper award” and a coveted “Warm and Fuzzy” to take home.

Bus transportation
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